How Would You Fill Your Trough?

Hey Clan! Today’s blog post is a slight detour from the series of posts we began on the Clans of Ireland. If you missed those, you can start at the beginning with the <a style=”color: #008080;” href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Clans of Ireland Series: The Dal Cais.</a> You can also find the latest episode on Desmond here….

Tale of the Clans Gratitude Lesson

Lately, God has impressed on my heart a need to focus on gratitude. This month He used Tale of the Clans to teach me a gratitude lesson.

Launch Party Lessons

In February, I rejoined with members of my Clan Launch Team on Writers Chat to share the Launch Party Lessons we learned. Check it out here!

M.N. Stroh Interview on PJNET

This Thursday, I have the honor of chatting with Coach Prasek of about my writing journey. I’m super excited for this interview!

Gearing Up for a Big Announcement Coming!

Hey Clan! I’m gearing up for a big announcement coming. Yes, it has to do with Tale of the Clans! You know, that historical fiction series I’ve worked on for…how many years now? Yeah, you remember! So keep your eyes on your inbox for a newsletter this month followed by some fun social media activities…

Stewardship: Lessons from an Old Buffet

The title of this post is a little deceptive. It’s true, I mean to share about a lesson I learned on stewardship. But I didn’t learn it from an old buffet. God taught the lesson, and he used an old buffet as an illustration.

Writers Chat: Fiction 101

In this episode of Writers Chat, I and my fellow behind-the-scenes Writers Chat team member, Norma Poore, joined our community to discuss the basic elements of fiction.