Stone of Division Progress Update

Hey Clan!

Lately, I’ve felt convicted. The intention of this blog was to serve you, my fellow clan members, with writing updates and the progress of my historical fiction series you’ve waited so long to read.

So, in an effort to make up for that shortcoming, I uploaded a plugin called My Book Progress from Author Media.

It’s a fantastic (and free) accountability tool.

But there’s a fundamental flaw in depending on tools alone.

They can’t replace people.

So I’m making myself accountable to you with these periodic updates.

My Book Progress posts a progress bar like the one you see below:

I just made progress on Stone of Division! So far I’m 67% complete on the Exploratory Draft phase. 23 Days remain until the deadline. [mybookprogress progress=”0.6653″ phase_name=”Exploratory Draft” deadline=”1561852800″ book=”1″ book_title=”Stone of Division” bar_color=”cc9900″]

The fun thing about this plugin is that it works for all writing types, outliners, “pantsers”, and those who fall in between.

“Pantsers” (by the seat of your pants writers) create what some call an “exploratory draft” before beginning the rough draft.

As you can see by the progress bar, I have three weeks to accomplish the word count I’ve set to meet my goal. Once that’s complete, it’s on to Phase 2: Rough Draft.

Stone of Division will be published mid- 2020. Rise of Betrayal (book 1) and Lord of Vengeance (book 2) are set for publication the beginning of 2020.

So the race is on!

See you at the finish line!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Pearl Allard says:

    Don’t feel bad, Melissa! You have a lot going on, but I’m super excited for the “birth of your triplets” – these amazing books you’re writing! 🙂 Praying near daily for you. Hugs!

    1. M.N. Stroh says:

      Thanks, Pearl! You know, it’s hard. I hate feeling like I’m dropping the ball with keeping everyone in the loop. But yeah, there is A LOT going on behind the scenes. These past weeks have really put the strain on. So thank you for the encouraging cheers! Even more so, the faithful prayers! That brings the tears. They’re so needed, and so appreciated!

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