Finding Inspiration through Seclusion – God Bore this Day Before You

“God bore this day before you and together you bear it now.”

M.N. Stroh

This is perhaps one of the most profound truths I wanted to get across to readers when I set out to write the Tale of the Clans series. It’s something I’ve sought to wrap my head around for most of my life.

Historical Fiction Panel

In this episode of Writers Chat, award-winning novelist, Johnnie Alexander, and I, joined with Yahweh Sisterhood Book Club’s Josephine Massaro, to discuss Historical Fiction.

Stone of Division Progress Update

Lately, I’ve felt convicted.
The intention of this blog was to serve you, my fellow clan members, with writing updates and the progress of my historical fiction series you’ve waited so long to read.

So, in an effort to make up for that shortcoming, I uploaded a plugin called My Book Progress from Author Media.

Tale of the Clans Episode 3

“This is an outrage!” the abbot cried, running madly toward Callan. “Cease this bloodshed! ’Tis sacred ground!”

Callan could ill afford the man a glance. The Danes overrunning the monastery’s storehouse would escape to their longship with their ill-gotten wares elsewise. Callan launched his spear.

Tale of the Clans Episode 2

Episode 2
Davan mac Duncan, cattle lord and kinsman to the chieftain of all Thomond, surveyed the dead calf. That intended to serve part of his annual renders, was no more. With only three cows remaining to calve from the heard Davan put under their care, Tiarnán knew their family fell four calves short of those needed to repay their debt.

Tale of the Clans: Episode 1

Episode 1

Thomond, Ireland, 961 AD

Concern needled Tiarnán as he walked the cattle pasture in search of their missing cow. Her calf was due any day. She’d not come to feed with the others in his care. If anything happened to her, ’twould be his hide at stake.