Hey Clan!
Have you longed to attend a writers conference, but hesitated because you weren’t sure how to make the most of the experience?
Well in this episode of Writers Chat, Asst. Acquisitions Editor and Serious Writer co-owner, Bethany Jett, shares her insider tips (and a few secrets) about how to prep for writers conferences.
Watch the replay!

Live Chat Resources
- Christian Writers Market Guide has a list of conferences and seminars on top of other excellent resources for the Christian writing market.
- The Shaw Guides provides listings for writers conferences also.
- Serious Writer Inc. has a small, but growing list of writers Conferences on its Pinterest board: Conferences & Contests. Don’t be dismayed if you notice a conference is over. Most recur annually, so you can follow the links to find resources to prep for the upcoming 2019 conferences.
- The upcoming Writing for Your Life Conferences are another resource to check out.
- American Christian Fiction Writers has an annual conference and contests available. There are two contests for pre-published novelists. One is First Impression and the other is Genesis.
- Romance Writers of America also has an annual conference and contests.
- Just in case you’re wondering how contests fit in this discussion, contests are major! If you can win at a contest, that’s credit that can go on your bio for proposals or a one-sheet. Being an Award Winning Writer goes a long way to giving you and your writing, credibility. An excellent resource for learning how to master this art is Cyle Young’s class Winning at Winning Contests on Serious Writer Academy.
- Serious Writer Inc. has an excellent newsletter with insider tips, conference info, and contests to benefit you in your writing journey. If you want to learn your craft, find your audience, and publish your work, Serious Writer can help!