Writers Chat: Self-Editing for Writers

Hey Clan!

This week on Writers Chat, we enjoyed a round-table discussion about that all-too necessary part of the writing process – self-editing.

For some of us, it may feel like a necessary evil. For others, their favorite part of writing. One commonality remains…we can all use tips to help us improve as editors. Because you can’t be an effective writer without being an effective re-writer.

That’s what editing is about!

So gather some tips for yourself here!


While creatives tend to be right-brained in the writing process, we discussed how editing is actually a left-brained activity. Which may explain why our artsy sides tend to buck the system.

However, utilizing that left-brain is a good exercise for the writer’s health, and there’s no lack of art in editing either.

To help you in your self-editing, we’ve compiled a list of useful sources that have aided us over the years. Trust me, you’ll want these in your editing arsenal!

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