Hey Clan!
Through these challenging times, I’m sure you’ve faced discouragement and frustration. Perhaps you’ve even asked yourself, “Is there light at the end of this tunnel?”
Not the train-kind of light, but the kind leading to hope.
Writers struggle through this too, and in this episode of Writers Chat our community shared tips on Writing Through the Hard Times. These ranged from comforts and inspirational sources, to self-care and reliance on God.
I hope you find this recap uplifting!
Watch the replay!
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Whether you’re a writer facing personal crisis or a crisis of pandemic proportions, here are the tips our community recommends to help you press on…
- Be comfy
- Be nice to yourself
- Self-care
- Journal
- Have a dedicated quiet time
- Choose a creative outlet
- Laugh (find things that make you laugh)
- Share and give to others
- Praise and worship
- Pray
- Allow yourself to cry
- Allow some chocolate indulgence (or other indulgence if chocolate isn’t your thing)
- Manage expectations with family and quarantine buddies
- Manage how much news is best for you
- Play games, work a puzzle, etc.
- Learn something new
- Do you need a calming activity? Try a Finger Labyrinth!
Don’t Forget!
If you want to see more Writers Chat Recaps on mnstroh.com, let us know in the comments. You can find a list of earlier un-posted recaps in 2020 Writers Chat Recap.
Since then, Serious Writer has aired:
- How to Write Articles with Julie Lavender
- Basket of Six (Favorite and Influential Books)
- Writing as a Pastor with Andy Clapp
- Historical Romance with Janalyn Voigt
- KidLit with Annette Whipple, Jann W. Martin, and René Aube
- Blending Humor with Your Writing and Speaking with Jane Jenkins Herlong
- Fiction 101 with Melissa Stroh (M.N. Stroh) and Norma Poore
These are good tips, Melissa. Thank you for sharing these.
Hey Pearl! Glad you found them helpful!