Do you ever wonder sometimes if you expect too much out of yourself? This constantly crosses my mind. Usually I dismiss it because…well let’s face it, I’m lazy. Have I mentioned I’m also a procrastinator? And a multitasker? This trio makes for one toxic cocktail. As a multitasker, I put so many irons in the…
I’m a Writer, Not a Brick Layer!
Lately, I’ve empathized with poor Dr. McCoy. No, it’s not just because I’m a Trekkie and he happens to be among my favorite characters. It’s actually deeper than that. I mean, really, why was it so hard for everyone to get it through their thick skulls that he wasn’t endowed with any other skill set…
The View from My Desk
So here’s a glimpse into my life. Exciting, huh? Yeah, it’s a little dusty too, but we’re going to ignore that. You are going to ignore that, aren’t you? So September is off and running. It kind of hit like a hurricane. I’m still trying to figure out how we transitioned from the first week…
Guest Blogging Today
Hello everyone! Well, after a long absence, I’m back up and running. I intend to regain a consistent presence here…or at least semi-consistent presence. Still have that novel to focus on. In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed the latest historical post on the anamchara. If you missed it, there’s no time like the…
Anamchara – “Soul Friend”
Anamchara, pronounced: an-m-ha-ra, is Irish Gaelic for “Soul Friend”. This ancient distinction originated with the druids. Later on it gained notoriety with priests and the ordained after Christianity came to Ireland. While Ecclesiastics (as Christian clergy were often called in the Middle Ages) considered an Anamchara essential for confession, the ideal transcended the mere act….
When God Speaks
Any time someone says, “God must have a sense of humor.” I smile and nod. It’s true. I’ve seen the evidence of it time and time again in my life. You know what else is true? The times I experience His sense of humor in action, I also experience His profound love. His deep knowledge…
Hey! Long Time No See.
By now, you may seriously be contemplating if I’ve dropped off the grid. Never fear! I remain vigilantly at work here in Windy Wyoming. June proved to be an active month. Here’s a little recap…. The garden is finished and….surprise! It’s actually producing! And you thought I couldn’t do it. Okay, so maybe you didn’t…
Summer Aproacheth!
Yes, that is but a small sampling of my mad gardening skills. And I know exactly what you’re thinking. Only someone who is genuinely mad, would call those gardening skills. Whelp, now you know who you’re dealing with. Never before have I planted a garden by myself. In all my 32 years of life, my…
Epilogue Complete
Hey! Did another week go by already? Seriously? Yeah, that’s how it goes anymore. I lose track of time like I do dust bunnies under the couch. It really shouldn’t surprise anyone, least of all me. But a week will come and go and I find myself standing in the wake of the dust going,…
Goals in the Works
It has been quiet on my end. But I assure you, you’re not forgotten. That’s why I’ve stopped by to give you a quick update on 2014’s goals in the works. You see, I’m setting out to prep my first novel for submissions this year. Which means more “nose to the grindstone” and less internet…