Goals in the Works

It has been quiet on my end. But I assure you, you’re not forgotten.

That’s why I’ve stopped by to give you a quick update on 2014’s goals in the works. You see, I’m setting out to prep my first novel for submissions this year. Which means more “nose to the grindstone” and less internet play time. So posts may be infrequent. But I will try from time to time to stop by and give you updates.

Amidst completing Rise of Betrayal’s final edits, I will be polishing up a book proposal and synopsis. Oh I am so excited. I can hardly stand it.

*Looks for cheese grater to rub forehead against because it HAS to be less painful.*

Ok, sarcasm aside. This is the year I’m striving to buck fear and buckle down. It’s time to make things happen. So I’m putting this out there in the hopes that some of you will pitch in and not only encourage me to that end, but keep me accountable.

With that said, here’s a little tidbit from my work so far. The hook and summary paragraph for Tale of the Clans Book 1: Rise of Betrayal.

An Irish tenant becomes instrumental in bringing the clan she fears to power.

To Nessa inion Aengus and her family, the Dal Cais have brought nothing but misery. Forced to seek sanctuary after the death of her betrothed, Nessa wants only to be rid of the warmongering clan and her overlord. When she becomes an unknowing accomplice in the political schemes of her rescuers, Nessa is pressed to aid the clan who betrayed her family in their quest to gain Munster’s provincial throne. Can she do so without exposing her identity to the Dal Cais – or to the man whose brother is dead because of her?

What do you think?

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