Tale of the Clans Gratitude Lesson

Hey Clan!

Over the course of this year, God increasingly impressed on my heart a need to focus on gratitude. He honed in on it this month by using Tale of the Clans to teach me a gratitude lesson.

You see, long before I ever signed my first publication contract, my husband promised that we’d celebrate the publication of my books by having them bound in leather. We often talked about how the set should look if it were ever added to our dream library, shelved beside other classical editions of our favorite books.

Well, the fateful year finally came in a flurry. 2022 had me hitting the ground running with the launch of not one but four books, each being released one month after the next. I was so caught up in the process that I’d forgotten about my husband’s promise.

Then 2023 rolled around and he gifted me these…

M.N. Stroh's Tale of the Clans leather-bound set with glass Celtic Cross.

Losing Sight of Gratitude

As I flipped through the pages and marveled at the covers fabricated from rich, green, embossed leather, a mix of emotions struck.

First, of course, was the thought of how blessed I am to have such an awesome husband. Yes, I have to brag on him, even though he doesn’t like having attention drawn to himself. It was the most heartfelt gift. Even though we both knew he fully intended to do it and he involved me in the process, asking what designs I liked the best and all, he took the initiative from start to finish.

Meanwhile, my mind was preoccupied with book launches, blog and social media posts, newsletters and notifications. Stress and anxiety were my constant companions. They ganged up with crippling inadequacy in the face of all the things I knew I needed to do as an author and all the things I wasn’t able to accomplish.

They stole my joy and robbed me of gratitude.

In the days after receiving my gift I found my thoughts still fixated on circumstances. On all the things that still needed doing and all the ways I was inadequate to accomplish them. But the more I looked on that leather-bound Tale of the Clans set, the more it hit me.

I never took the time to truly celebrate the publication of my books. I never took the time to be thankful for what God did.

Gratitude Lesson in Action

So the first thing I set out to do was to share this set with others. Yes, in part to brag on my husband. But also as a physical testament to what was accomplished.

Though I wrote and spoke about it often, the expression of gratitude that I shared with others during the course of my book launches really hadn’t sunk in. It was more of a head knowledge–a mental acknowledgement that it occurred and I needed to be thankful for the accomplishment.

But the truth of it hadn’t reached my heart.

I was too preoccupied. Too overwhelmed with the mounding To-Do list. And if we’re honest, too bitter over the hectic circumstances that served a constant reminder of unmet expectations.

None of it was how I envisioned the publication of my books to play out.

Yet, play out it did. Now looking back on the whole, I see God’s marvelous work through circumstances I never thought I could get through.

Through my inadequacy, God allowed my books to be published.

It’s mind-boggling!

The Spiritual Application of Said Gratitude Lesson

Last Sunday I sat in church with my youngest son listening to a sermon on Hebrews 11, commonly known as the “heroes of faith” chapter. Of course, as our pastor discussed some of the last heroes of the faith listed, I honed in on Gideon, haha!

But the real crux of the sermon lay in the questions the pastor posed to the congregation. I’m paraphrasing because I was too slow to take notes:

If the writer of Hebrews were to write of you, what faith action would he list?

In essence, what faith action is God calling you to? He then emphasized that God wants you to endure to the end.

Well that hit me like a ton of bricks. Pardon the cliche, but it’s true.

When I reflected upon the question and the emphasis, I realized, my faith action was endurance. Despite my many inadequacies, despite all my flaws, and despite all the obstacles to publication along the way, God granted me the strength to persevere and see that Tale of the Clans was published.

My lack didn’t matter. He provided everything needed to bring this series to the light. Now I can hold the books in my hands, not saying, “Wow! Look what I’ve accomplished.” But “Wow! Look what God let me be a part of!”

That’s humbling and a true reason for gratitude.

What's Your Gratitude Lesson?

Turning it over to you, now. In what ways has God taught you gratitude? I’d love to hear your stories.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Matthew Stroh says:

    Great Reminder! I am proud of you and love you!

    1. M.N. Stroh says:

      Awe! Thank you! Love you too!

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